sábado, 13 de enero de 2007


In the coast of the lake the Barreales, in Neuquén. With its 35 meters one of greatest is found to the date. The rescue will demand at least three weeks. Some of their bones weigh tons. The bones are one of most complete of this type of dinosaurios NEUQUEN. - The fossils of dinosaurio herbívoro of the cretácico period that measured about 35 meters in length are being rescued of the fangosas coasts of a neuquino lake by an equipment headed by investigators of the National University of Comahue (UNC). The bones correspond to dinosaurio saurópodo (four larguísimos legs and neck and tail) that inhabited this part of the planet makes about 90 million years. Even though its skeleton has not come totally to the light, this creature of extraordinary size is located behind greatest of all the animals of which registry is had: the Argentinosaurus Huinculensis. "He is between 7 and a 10% more boy than the Argentinosaurus. We can say that the dinosaurios greater than they know this one is most complete ", said Bald, paleontólogo Jorge of the UNC.
The Argentinosaurus measured between 38 and 40 meters in length and had a weight near the 100 tons. He was the alive being greater than it stepped on the Earth. Dinosaurio of the Barreales measured about 35 meters in length, according to the projections of Bald. Investigating esteem that the rescue will demand, like minimum, three weeks more, as long as they obtain to the backhoe and the crane that will make lack to move the greatest bones, many of them with a tare that is moderate in tons.
The excavation takes ahead in the coast of the lake the Barreales, to about 80 kilometers of the provincial capital, in the heat of patagónica steppe and closely together of Hill the gasífero deposit of the Tin. What makes a lake in the heat of desert? One is artificial lake that comprises of the hydroelectric complex Red Hills. In the decade of the 70, million liters of the water of the Neuquén river drained there like part of the power project. They were, indeed, the swings of the lake those that swept the sediments that covered the mortal bed with the giant and they put it at sight of the scientists. The equipment of Bald began with the works a year ago. But they had to stop by lack of budget. This year, with support of an oil company/signature and a hydroelectric one, during the last week of January they began with the mission.
Exposed to the sun he is espinazo of the animal with its perfectly articulated vertebrae. In addition, already to the bones from the hips and the tail and the sacred one removed. There are other pieces that already were identified, but that still is covered by the water of the lake. Bald it has the collaboration of technicians and professionals of the museums of the Chocón and Rinco'n of the Willows, in addition to advanced students of the universities of Pampas, the South and the Silver. The task is heavy: one works under total sun during most of the day and to temperatures that are over the 40 degrees. Also three investigators of the University of Rio de Janeiro comprise of the expedition, headed by the paleontólogo Alexander Kellner, specialist in flying reptiles. The scientist looks for the rest of pterosaurio of which was part of a wing in last March.

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