sábado, 13 de enero de 2007



¡The Godzilla is The New Star of Stars in the Planet Earth!

The Republica Argentina, is doubtlessly a true Jurasick Park! Matchless, by the form in which they are estan happening the discoveries. In the history of world-wide paleontology, a pagina writes that sera attraction of adults, children and young people and grandparents. Its cultural content is imperecedero. I am sure that it is necessary that in all the schools of the planet, a leaf sets out but in books of studies and the hours of class so that from the childhood studies to the dinosaurios and the Argentine phenomenon, the mind of the men of the future, nonsingle is cultivated with film of Hollywod, but also with true contents.
And in this continuous report that presenting/displaying, I add, to already named but old and but great, a discovery, that I consider, with logica and memory of the lessons, of "Maxima importance". The call "Godzilla" is n animal with head of dinosaurio and body of fish." A true lost link "- that already will explain but ahead, because But these statistics that happen, because the statistics worry and happen, is not possible to be asserted that Argentina is the nest, the beginning of these monsters, and the first written line of the history of the planet.
Paleontology standard that the origin of the life ocurrio in the African continent; and he is alli where they even keep buried the true giants. The day in which Africa speaks and the social revolution, ethnic arrived and scientific it began. That day many postulates are destruiran that today in day are truths impossible to demolish and until quiza, I dare to say, that the table of the elements suffers, a very but very great change in their components. Pure elements but explained greater reasons!
That they exist dinosaurios of so large spread, can mean that is fruit of "a herd nomade". Of an emigration towards this sector of America, by sequias or lack of foods, when the continental mass was united or semidetached, with masses of water in formation also.
Emphatically "the Godzilla I am called poderosisimamente the attention". And this the foundation in which the books and dictionaries teach "the evolution to us of the life happened in I eliminate" "the water was the first element in where very small beings existian, in the beginning, and soon a fish, the first living being in the evolution of this living chain which we know stature"
But that ocurrio! . Miraculously the fish transmuto! Tapeworm now double gills. Podia to breathe in the water and outside her, in the Earth. Salio of its kingdom and conocio the firm Earth. Development. Tapeworm extremities that permitian to him to walk and to explore their new territory, and also volvia to the water to continue with its old life! Incredible. Soon the birds and the dinosaurios happened..... "and this is what I want to emphasize in" the Godzilla ". This, by its characteristics, "body of fish and head of dinosaurio", in the region of the evolution of the Earth life, but exact and interesting "
Which is the hour of this evolution? - that I emphasize-"En the day that the fish I transform into fish and animal with extremities, one hour of most powerful scientific and cultural content, that can explain to us as they were the facts". "this Deserves greater imnportancia than to have amartizado". They are origenes matchless. The pure reasons but of the evolution of this planet.
I write on one teoria and very logica to maintain. And it means for my pais, to discover, a "Map Genetico de Oro" of prehistory. "It is the lost link of the beginning of the life". Emphatically to know this transmutación fish fish and animal, is fundamental and the found thing gives to a clear idea of the first hours of the planet earth us and the first transmutaciones.
The Godzilla is a scientific emblem of century XXI. America astonishes to the African continent and to the scholars, Argentina is its paleontological emblem. But of all ways, they are left the true giants to the delay of being unearthed hidden. And the great suspicions but that I keep, estan directed to the white continent, the Antartida. Alli is, where quiza, greater secrets of this strange icticola fauna of Dinosaurios, and quizas are even revealed but also sailors. So that no!
Good bye and until always!
Luis Cernic

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