sábado, 13 de enero de 2007



They present/display new dinosaurio patagónico Is a relative of the famous velocirraptor

Its discovery demonstrates that these carnivorous reptiles not only populated the north with the planet. The rest were found by Argentine investigators. It had sharpened claws to tear to the skin and muscles. Its description is published today in Nature The velocirraptor, that small and quick dinosaurio that received fame by its "participation" in the film "Jurassic Park", had a patagónico relative: the Neuquenraptor argentinus. The finding of its fossil rest in the Mountain range of Portezuelo, Neuquén, constitutes an unquestionable evidence of which the reign of these small carnivorous dinosaurios was - geographic and temporarily much more extensive of which it thought until now.
"the discovery of the neuquenraptor allows us to affirm that these dinosaurios that integrated a called family deinonicosaurus had a world-wide distribution, and that its origin is much more old that what indicates the fossil registry that we know", the Argentine paleontólogo said to the NATION Diego Pol, at the moment in the State University of Ohio, the United States, coauthor of the study on neuquenraptor that publishes the Nature magazine today. The fossil rest of this graceful dinosaurio as large as a ñandú were found in 1996 by an expedition led by Fernando Novas and Pablo Door. But finally yesterday, in a press conference made in a Buenosairean hotel, You novate presented/displayed the description of this extinct animal, that forces to rethink the kinships between dinosaurios of which they were the north and the south of the planet makes 80 million years.
North and the South

"Until now one thought that deinonicosaurus (word that means dinosaurio of terrible claws) only lived in supercontinent Laurasia [ conformed reason why it is today North America, Europe and Asia ], but the neuquenraptor is the first evidence that certifica the presence of these reptiles in Godwana [ South America, Africa, India and Antártida ]", explained doctor Fernando You novate, investigator of the Conicet, in the Museum of Natural Sciences Bernardino Rivadavia.
Until now the idea that reigned between the paleontólogos with the small carnivorous dinosaurios it had happened just like with those of more elevated bearing than they had been developed in Laurasia and Godwana from different ancestros. Thus, the Tyrannosaurus American rex only shares with our patagónico heavy weight, the Gigantosaurus carolinii, the size and the ferocious aspect, but not the same lineage.
The neuquenraptor, according to You novate, "demonstrates that the small carnivorous dinosaurios have a common origin, that surely it goes back to the Jurásico, even though we have still not found rest of ancestros of so old deinonicosaurios". "This animal is first that shows clear relations with this group of dinosaurios that until now thought that they were exclusive of Laurasia", it completed Pol.But the impact of the neuquenraptor discovery does not finish there, but that reframes the kinship of other descriptos Argentine dinosaurios previously and that they had been attributed to other lineages. Now, dinosaurios like unquillosaurus, discovered in 1979, or unenlagia, I decipher in the middle of the ninety, would be classified in the family of deinonicosaurus
Filosos claws and teeth
Everything what we now know of the Neuquenraptor argentinus comes from the study of one of its feet, that are the unique thing that could unearth You novate and Door in 1996. "It has a morphology of the very particular foot, that shows a combination of characters that are only present in the most primitive members of deinonicosaurus", it indicated Pol. To which east investigator talks about is to claws similar to those of the velocirraptor, moving bodies, that speak of the carnivorous customs of this animal. "Surely the neuquenraptor used this peculiar one and particular form of claw to capture and to catch its victim, when allowing to tear to the skin and muscles him", explained You novate. Of the rest of the body of dinosaurio patagónico inferences from their anatomical comparison with the velocirraptor only can become: "These are animals of long arms, with three fingers provided with sharpened and pointed claws, whose extended heads were provided with pointed and curved teeth". DAILY SOURCE 24-02-05 The Nation

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