sábado, 13 de enero de 2007


It lived from end of the Triásico at the beginning of the Jurácico. It measured 11 meters and it weighed of 1 to 4 tons. It had a neck and a long tail, heavy legs similar to those of an elephant with claws, their legs back were single slightly greater than their frontal legs. Their bones were heavy nevertheless their spine was hollow. It had round teeth, aligned like a mountain range. He was herbívoro of the order of the saurisquios. It had a low level of intelligence and was a quadruped of slow movements. Have been fossil rest in the province of Rioja.
The dinosaurios evolved from some small reptile that lived about 230 million ago years, at a time that the geologists and paleontólogos denominate delayed Triásico. One of the species that keep greater relation with the dinosaurios is the Lagosuchus talampayensis.(riojasurus) the rest of this reptile were found in the province of the Rioja in 1964, during an expedition organized by the paleontólogo Alfred Romer, of the University of Harvard, with the collaboration of the Museum of the Silver. In 1975, Jose Bonaparte, who then evolved like investigator of the CONICET in the Foundation Miguel Lillo de Tucumán, discovered more complete units and published one almost detailed description of the totality of the skeleton of this animal, in which several characters in common stood out with the dinosaurios. Almost twenty years later, the American paleontólogo Calm Paul, of the University of Chicago, along with Andrea Arcucci, of the University of the Rioja, proposed that the specimen studied by Bonaparte as Lagosuchus talampayensis would in fact correspond to a new sort and species, to which denominated Marasuchus lilloensis. Anyway, they agreed absolutely in which that animal was, from an evolutionary point of view, to a passage of distance of the dinosaurios.
Another reptile that bears relation to the first dinosaurios is the major Pseudolagosuchus, I decipher by Arcucci in 1987. Bonaparte considers that the major Pseudolagosuchus is in fact an adult of the Lagosuchus talampayensis. As much the Lagosuchus talampayensis, as the Marasuchus lilloensis and the major Pseudolagosuchus, was discovered in well-known geologic layers like Formation the Chañares, of the average Triásico of the Rioja. to continue reading in: http://www.museosargentinos.org.ar/articulos/articulo.asp?ID=22
In 1842. Sir Richard Owen, born in Lancaster England. in 1804, I classify to bones of iguanodonte. megalosaurio and other fosiles like nonlizards, but as a suborder of Saurios and I classify them and I denominate Dinosaurios, that in Greek means "Terrible Lizards". Sir Richard Owen I form as medico and I dedicate myself to the investigation. He was attending conservative of the Real School of Surgeons and I dedicate myself to the Hunteriana Cataloguing, 13,000 human pieces and animals that Corona habia acquired after the death of the surgeon John Hunter, to whom it gave reading publishes in 1837. It was designated as taxidermista of the animals in the Zoologica Society and profit a great experience in anatomia compared. Its prestige crecio quickly, which him permitio to be adviser of the government in Cientificos Subjects, and Professor of Natural History of the children of Reina Victory. The discoveries of Sir Richard Owen were many and very remarkable: Ademas to classify to the Dinosaurios, I identify to the parasito qyue causes the triquinosis in the invertebrates and coverall in vertebrates. Descirbio with exactitude to the "Dodo", a bird exinta two centuries antes"Isla Mauricio". in Indico. From a tibia small piece I reconstruct "To the Moa". a great ostrich that desaparecio of Australia for 500 years. "I classify acertadamente to ornitorrinco like mamifero" To the Gorila descubiertio in 1847 I classify it in the group of the "Great Monkeys". In 1856 Superintendent of the Department of Universal History of the Botanical Museum was named " Perseveró in the construction of a building that I conclude in 1884. Owen was named "Horseman". retirement and fallecio in 1892. To science it must the name to him of Dinosaurios to these animals of Prehistoria that as much fame they have at the present time, and that segun the Greek Language is called "terrible Lizards" Until always.........

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