sábado, 13 de enero de 2007

Puertasaurus reuili

The paleontólogo Fernando You novate showing to an enormous vertebra of the Puertasaurus reuili

Puertasaurus reuili was dinosaurio saurópodo that lived in the era Mesozoica makes about 70 million years, in which today it is known like Patagonia, more indeed Santa Cruz. He is one of discovered the greatest dinosaurios of the world to date. Of gigantic proportions, this titanosaurio measured of 35 to 40 meters in length, weighing between 90 and 110 tons. A vertebra of the neck of the Puertasaurus reuili got to measure 1.20 meters in length and 1.40 meters wide. The surprising thing of this dinosaurio, is that the first vertebra of its back, measured 1.70 meters wide. This way it comfortably surpasses to his Argentinosaurus relative huinculensis, found in the province of Neuquén. The same one was discovered by the Argentine investigator of the Conicet, Fernando You novate and its team of collaborator in the Hill the Furnaces, province of Santa Cruz. Puertasaurus reuili was called thus in honor to two technicians who participated in the group. One of them, Pablo Door, of the museum Egidio Feruglio de Trelew and Santiago Reuil of the Museum of Natural Sciences Bernardino Rivadavia. Obtained of http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puertasaurus_reuili
Categories: Dinosaurios Argentina http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puertasaurus_reuil

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