sábado, 13 de enero de 2007



¡The Godzilla is The New Star of Stars in the Planet Earth!

The Republica Argentina, is doubtlessly a true Jurasick Park! Matchless, by the form in which they are estan happening the discoveries. In the history of world-wide paleontology, a pagina writes that sera attraction of adults, children and young people and grandparents. Its cultural content is imperecedero. I am sure that it is necessary that in all the schools of the planet, a leaf sets out but in books of studies and the hours of class so that from the childhood studies to the dinosaurios and the Argentine phenomenon, the mind of the men of the future, nonsingle is cultivated with film of Hollywod, but also with true contents.
And in this continuous report that presenting/displaying, I add, to already named but old and but great, a discovery, that I consider, with logica and memory of the lessons, of "Maxima importance". The call "Godzilla" is n animal with head of dinosaurio and body of fish." A true lost link "- that already will explain but ahead, because But these statistics that happen, because the statistics worry and happen, is not possible to be asserted that Argentina is the nest, the beginning of these monsters, and the first written line of the history of the planet.
Paleontology standard that the origin of the life ocurrio in the African continent; and he is alli where they even keep buried the true giants. The day in which Africa speaks and the social revolution, ethnic arrived and scientific it began. That day many postulates are destruiran that today in day are truths impossible to demolish and until quiza, I dare to say, that the table of the elements suffers, a very but very great change in their components. Pure elements but explained greater reasons!
That they exist dinosaurios of so large spread, can mean that is fruit of "a herd nomade". Of an emigration towards this sector of America, by sequias or lack of foods, when the continental mass was united or semidetached, with masses of water in formation also.
Emphatically "the Godzilla I am called poderosisimamente the attention". And this the foundation in which the books and dictionaries teach "the evolution to us of the life happened in I eliminate" "the water was the first element in where very small beings existian, in the beginning, and soon a fish, the first living being in the evolution of this living chain which we know stature"
But that ocurrio! . Miraculously the fish transmuto! Tapeworm now double gills. Podia to breathe in the water and outside her, in the Earth. Salio of its kingdom and conocio the firm Earth. Development. Tapeworm extremities that permitian to him to walk and to explore their new territory, and also volvia to the water to continue with its old life! Incredible. Soon the birds and the dinosaurios happened..... "and this is what I want to emphasize in" the Godzilla ". This, by its characteristics, "body of fish and head of dinosaurio", in the region of the evolution of the Earth life, but exact and interesting "
Which is the hour of this evolution? - that I emphasize-"En the day that the fish I transform into fish and animal with extremities, one hour of most powerful scientific and cultural content, that can explain to us as they were the facts". "this Deserves greater imnportancia than to have amartizado". They are origenes matchless. The pure reasons but of the evolution of this planet.
I write on one teoria and very logica to maintain. And it means for my pais, to discover, a "Map Genetico de Oro" of prehistory. "It is the lost link of the beginning of the life". Emphatically to know this transmutación fish fish and animal, is fundamental and the found thing gives to a clear idea of the first hours of the planet earth us and the first transmutaciones.
The Godzilla is a scientific emblem of century XXI. America astonishes to the African continent and to the scholars, Argentina is its paleontological emblem. But of all ways, they are left the true giants to the delay of being unearthed hidden. And the great suspicions but that I keep, estan directed to the white continent, the Antartida. Alli is, where quiza, greater secrets of this strange icticola fauna of Dinosaurios, and quizas are even revealed but also sailors. So that no!
Good bye and until always!
Luis Cernic

Puertasaurus reuili

The paleontólogo Fernando You novate showing to an enormous vertebra of the Puertasaurus reuili

Puertasaurus reuili was dinosaurio saurópodo that lived in the era Mesozoica makes about 70 million years, in which today it is known like Patagonia, more indeed Santa Cruz. He is one of discovered the greatest dinosaurios of the world to date. Of gigantic proportions, this titanosaurio measured of 35 to 40 meters in length, weighing between 90 and 110 tons. A vertebra of the neck of the Puertasaurus reuili got to measure 1.20 meters in length and 1.40 meters wide. The surprising thing of this dinosaurio, is that the first vertebra of its back, measured 1.70 meters wide. This way it comfortably surpasses to his Argentinosaurus relative huinculensis, found in the province of Neuquén. The same one was discovered by the Argentine investigator of the Conicet, Fernando You novate and its team of collaborator in the Hill the Furnaces, province of Santa Cruz. Puertasaurus reuili was called thus in honor to two technicians who participated in the group. One of them, Pablo Door, of the museum Egidio Feruglio de Trelew and Santiago Reuil of the Museum of Natural Sciences Bernardino Rivadavia. Obtained of http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puertasaurus_reuili
Categories: Dinosaurios Argentina http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puertasaurus_reuil


In the coast of the lake the Barreales, in Neuquén. With its 35 meters one of greatest is found to the date. The rescue will demand at least three weeks. Some of their bones weigh tons. The bones are one of most complete of this type of dinosaurios NEUQUEN. - The fossils of dinosaurio herbívoro of the cretácico period that measured about 35 meters in length are being rescued of the fangosas coasts of a neuquino lake by an equipment headed by investigators of the National University of Comahue (UNC). The bones correspond to dinosaurio saurópodo (four larguísimos legs and neck and tail) that inhabited this part of the planet makes about 90 million years. Even though its skeleton has not come totally to the light, this creature of extraordinary size is located behind greatest of all the animals of which registry is had: the Argentinosaurus Huinculensis. "He is between 7 and a 10% more boy than the Argentinosaurus. We can say that the dinosaurios greater than they know this one is most complete ", said Bald, paleontólogo Jorge of the UNC.
The Argentinosaurus measured between 38 and 40 meters in length and had a weight near the 100 tons. He was the alive being greater than it stepped on the Earth. Dinosaurio of the Barreales measured about 35 meters in length, according to the projections of Bald. Investigating esteem that the rescue will demand, like minimum, three weeks more, as long as they obtain to the backhoe and the crane that will make lack to move the greatest bones, many of them with a tare that is moderate in tons.
The excavation takes ahead in the coast of the lake the Barreales, to about 80 kilometers of the provincial capital, in the heat of patagónica steppe and closely together of Hill the gasífero deposit of the Tin. What makes a lake in the heat of desert? One is artificial lake that comprises of the hydroelectric complex Red Hills. In the decade of the 70, million liters of the water of the Neuquén river drained there like part of the power project. They were, indeed, the swings of the lake those that swept the sediments that covered the mortal bed with the giant and they put it at sight of the scientists. The equipment of Bald began with the works a year ago. But they had to stop by lack of budget. This year, with support of an oil company/signature and a hydroelectric one, during the last week of January they began with the mission.
Exposed to the sun he is espinazo of the animal with its perfectly articulated vertebrae. In addition, already to the bones from the hips and the tail and the sacred one removed. There are other pieces that already were identified, but that still is covered by the water of the lake. Bald it has the collaboration of technicians and professionals of the museums of the Chocón and Rinco'n of the Willows, in addition to advanced students of the universities of Pampas, the South and the Silver. The task is heavy: one works under total sun during most of the day and to temperatures that are over the 40 degrees. Also three investigators of the University of Rio de Janeiro comprise of the expedition, headed by the paleontólogo Alexander Kellner, specialist in flying reptiles. The scientist looks for the rest of pterosaurio of which was part of a wing in last March.


This dinosaurio of the group of the Titanosaura, is saurópodo more gigantic well-known, nonsingle of our continent but of the world. The vertebrae of the Argentinosaurus huinculensis, that have anatomical characteristics basically similar to the one of other titanosaurios, measure between 1.40 and 1.60 meters of height, only measuring the neck around 12 meters. Esteem that the Argentinosaurus had a length of about 40 meters and its weight surpassed the 100 tons. The enormous vertebrae of one of the greatest dinosaurios of the world, the Argentinosaurus huinculensis, occupy almost one room of the Museum ` Carmen Funes'. The materials of Argentinosaurus were extracted in 1989, by a paleontological commission integrated by this Museum, the Museum of Cipolletti, the National University of the Comahue and the equipment of excavation of YPF of Huincul Seat. Their rest were studied by Bonaparte and Coria, that published their description in 1993. Recently were other rest, that they allowed to reconstruct it more accurately. The material is deposited in the Museum "Carmen Funes" of Huincul Seat. Antiquity: Superior Cretácico, between 70 and 100 million years.


It lived from end of the Triásico at the beginning of the Jurácico. It measured 11 meters and it weighed of 1 to 4 tons. It had a neck and a long tail, heavy legs similar to those of an elephant with claws, their legs back were single slightly greater than their frontal legs. Their bones were heavy nevertheless their spine was hollow. It had round teeth, aligned like a mountain range. He was herbívoro of the order of the saurisquios. It had a low level of intelligence and was a quadruped of slow movements. Have been fossil rest in the province of Rioja.
The dinosaurios evolved from some small reptile that lived about 230 million ago years, at a time that the geologists and paleontólogos denominate delayed Triásico. One of the species that keep greater relation with the dinosaurios is the Lagosuchus talampayensis.(riojasurus) the rest of this reptile were found in the province of the Rioja in 1964, during an expedition organized by the paleontólogo Alfred Romer, of the University of Harvard, with the collaboration of the Museum of the Silver. In 1975, Jose Bonaparte, who then evolved like investigator of the CONICET in the Foundation Miguel Lillo de Tucumán, discovered more complete units and published one almost detailed description of the totality of the skeleton of this animal, in which several characters in common stood out with the dinosaurios. Almost twenty years later, the American paleontólogo Calm Paul, of the University of Chicago, along with Andrea Arcucci, of the University of the Rioja, proposed that the specimen studied by Bonaparte as Lagosuchus talampayensis would in fact correspond to a new sort and species, to which denominated Marasuchus lilloensis. Anyway, they agreed absolutely in which that animal was, from an evolutionary point of view, to a passage of distance of the dinosaurios.
Another reptile that bears relation to the first dinosaurios is the major Pseudolagosuchus, I decipher by Arcucci in 1987. Bonaparte considers that the major Pseudolagosuchus is in fact an adult of the Lagosuchus talampayensis. As much the Lagosuchus talampayensis, as the Marasuchus lilloensis and the major Pseudolagosuchus, was discovered in well-known geologic layers like Formation the Chañares, of the average Triásico of the Rioja. to continue reading in: http://www.museosargentinos.org.ar/articulos/articulo.asp?ID=22
In 1842. Sir Richard Owen, born in Lancaster England. in 1804, I classify to bones of iguanodonte. megalosaurio and other fosiles like nonlizards, but as a suborder of Saurios and I classify them and I denominate Dinosaurios, that in Greek means "Terrible Lizards". Sir Richard Owen I form as medico and I dedicate myself to the investigation. He was attending conservative of the Real School of Surgeons and I dedicate myself to the Hunteriana Cataloguing, 13,000 human pieces and animals that Corona habia acquired after the death of the surgeon John Hunter, to whom it gave reading publishes in 1837. It was designated as taxidermista of the animals in the Zoologica Society and profit a great experience in anatomia compared. Its prestige crecio quickly, which him permitio to be adviser of the government in Cientificos Subjects, and Professor of Natural History of the children of Reina Victory. The discoveries of Sir Richard Owen were many and very remarkable: Ademas to classify to the Dinosaurios, I identify to the parasito qyue causes the triquinosis in the invertebrates and coverall in vertebrates. Descirbio with exactitude to the "Dodo", a bird exinta two centuries antes"Isla Mauricio". in Indico. From a tibia small piece I reconstruct "To the Moa". a great ostrich that desaparecio of Australia for 500 years. "I classify acertadamente to ornitorrinco like mamifero" To the Gorila descubiertio in 1847 I classify it in the group of the "Great Monkeys". In 1856 Superintendent of the Department of Universal History of the Botanical Museum was named " Perseveró in the construction of a building that I conclude in 1884. Owen was named "Horseman". retirement and fallecio in 1892. To science it must the name to him of Dinosaurios to these animals of Prehistoria that as much fame they have at the present time, and that segun the Greek Language is called "terrible Lizards" Until always.........



They present/display new dinosaurio patagónico Is a relative of the famous velocirraptor

Its discovery demonstrates that these carnivorous reptiles not only populated the north with the planet. The rest were found by Argentine investigators. It had sharpened claws to tear to the skin and muscles. Its description is published today in Nature The velocirraptor, that small and quick dinosaurio that received fame by its "participation" in the film "Jurassic Park", had a patagónico relative: the Neuquenraptor argentinus. The finding of its fossil rest in the Mountain range of Portezuelo, Neuquén, constitutes an unquestionable evidence of which the reign of these small carnivorous dinosaurios was - geographic and temporarily much more extensive of which it thought until now.
"the discovery of the neuquenraptor allows us to affirm that these dinosaurios that integrated a called family deinonicosaurus had a world-wide distribution, and that its origin is much more old that what indicates the fossil registry that we know", the Argentine paleontólogo said to the NATION Diego Pol, at the moment in the State University of Ohio, the United States, coauthor of the study on neuquenraptor that publishes the Nature magazine today. The fossil rest of this graceful dinosaurio as large as a ñandú were found in 1996 by an expedition led by Fernando Novas and Pablo Door. But finally yesterday, in a press conference made in a Buenosairean hotel, You novate presented/displayed the description of this extinct animal, that forces to rethink the kinships between dinosaurios of which they were the north and the south of the planet makes 80 million years.
North and the South

"Until now one thought that deinonicosaurus (word that means dinosaurio of terrible claws) only lived in supercontinent Laurasia [ conformed reason why it is today North America, Europe and Asia ], but the neuquenraptor is the first evidence that certifica the presence of these reptiles in Godwana [ South America, Africa, India and Antártida ]", explained doctor Fernando You novate, investigator of the Conicet, in the Museum of Natural Sciences Bernardino Rivadavia.
Until now the idea that reigned between the paleontólogos with the small carnivorous dinosaurios it had happened just like with those of more elevated bearing than they had been developed in Laurasia and Godwana from different ancestros. Thus, the Tyrannosaurus American rex only shares with our patagónico heavy weight, the Gigantosaurus carolinii, the size and the ferocious aspect, but not the same lineage.
The neuquenraptor, according to You novate, "demonstrates that the small carnivorous dinosaurios have a common origin, that surely it goes back to the Jurásico, even though we have still not found rest of ancestros of so old deinonicosaurios". "This animal is first that shows clear relations with this group of dinosaurios that until now thought that they were exclusive of Laurasia", it completed Pol.But the impact of the neuquenraptor discovery does not finish there, but that reframes the kinship of other descriptos Argentine dinosaurios previously and that they had been attributed to other lineages. Now, dinosaurios like unquillosaurus, discovered in 1979, or unenlagia, I decipher in the middle of the ninety, would be classified in the family of deinonicosaurus
Filosos claws and teeth
Everything what we now know of the Neuquenraptor argentinus comes from the study of one of its feet, that are the unique thing that could unearth You novate and Door in 1996. "It has a morphology of the very particular foot, that shows a combination of characters that are only present in the most primitive members of deinonicosaurus", it indicated Pol. To which east investigator talks about is to claws similar to those of the velocirraptor, moving bodies, that speak of the carnivorous customs of this animal. "Surely the neuquenraptor used this peculiar one and particular form of claw to capture and to catch its victim, when allowing to tear to the skin and muscles him", explained You novate. Of the rest of the body of dinosaurio patagónico inferences from their anatomical comparison with the velocirraptor only can become: "These are animals of long arms, with three fingers provided with sharpened and pointed claws, whose extended heads were provided with pointed and curved teeth". DAILY SOURCE 24-02-05 The Nation

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Dinosaurios Argentine


